Category Archives: politics

Dumbledore’s Army Needs Music

Despite best intentions for the new year (note I didn’t say resolutions; I know better), I haven’t posted much in January, but it’s for a different reason than my usual procrastination and sloth. I generally don’t use this blog as for a platform for political conversation, although I’m sure if you’ve read for a while, you’ve got an idea where my allegiances are. And my twitter feed, which pops up at the left side of this page, makes things pretty obvious.

I still think of this site as a place for music-oriented discussion and don’t want to get into the same kind of debates that roil my Facebook page. Trouble is, with the arrival of President Babyhands and his racist, misogynist, and/or frequently unqualified administration (There. No doubts left!) writing about music seems a rather trivial pursuit.

There’s so much to be done. As much as I love the Harry Potter novels, I never expected to be living in one. There is a cause at hand that commands a Dumbledore’s Army-style of commitment. I marched in the 60s and, as an Internet meme of an older woman declares, “I can’t believe I still have to fight for this shit.”


Thankfully, social media has given me an outlet that allows for participation – and I don’t mean signing endless online petitions. There are notifications of calls and donations to make, information to share, encouragement to offer those who are in a better position at the front lines.

But rebellion requires fuel, too. Some say an army marches on its stomach. But let’s not forget the fife-and-drum corps, the marching bands and infantry cadences. Music is the food of life, and of the soul, and the music I love – old favorites and new discoveries – have kept me going since that dark night in November when I began to wonder if I was a stranger in my own country.

So, I will write about music here. And mostly music, though I may share a few of the best political cartoons and satire now and then. Again, feel free to remove this blog from your reading list if you think you’ll be annoyed or (especially) if you’re tempted to argue on the side of our modern Voldemort. I won’t post and I won’t reply. It’s MY blog, after all. There will be plenty of alternative music, but no alternative facts allowed.

And so, having said my piece (peace!), I’ll be back soon with a love letter to vinyl.

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